The walls of the Snow Queen's palace
Are made of the driving snow
And the windows and doors
Are the cutting wind
One hundred halls all shaped like snowdrifts
Some go on for a mile or more
Once you go there
You may never come home again
Never a touch of gaiety
No parties for polar bears
And no kaffeeklatsch for white fox vixens
Only ice far as you can see
Frigid vast and glacial
Are the halls of the Snow Queen
The halls
The halls
The halls of The Snow Queen
In the middle of a lake called The Mirror of Reason
Sits the throne of the Queen of the snow
And it glitters and gleams
In the glare of the Northern Lights
There you might stay for half a century
Lining pieces of ice in a row
To spell Eternity
In the brilliant freezing night
No one will ever be invited there
For a friendly game of Hearts
Or a bit of an innocent gossip or a country dance
Never a cup of cocoa or a rum and a round of darts
Just pillars of ice where the North Wind raves and rants
In the halls
The halls
The halls of the Snow Queen
The halls
The halls
The halls of the Snow Queen
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